Educational Affairs


The Educational Affairs Office has been operating since September 2009 at the same time as the beginning of the faculty's activities and currently has hundreds of students in four fields of chemical engineering, petroleum engineering, computer engineering and industrial engineering and provides services to students and professors. In the field of education, efforts are being made to provide as much as possible the status of the educational system of the faculty and the required information for students, professors and other esteemed clients.

Efforts are being made to provide as much information as possible about the status of the faculty's education system and the information required for students, professors and other esteemed clients.

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The most important duties are:

1- Monitoring the quality of educational activities

2- Supervising the quantitative and qualitative situation of teaching

3- Supervising the timely formation of classrooms

4- Supervising the activities of students' educational affairs

5- Holding midterm and final exams

6- Timely notification of educational rules and regulations to students and professors

7- Carrying out affairs related to the invited professors and faculty members

Ms. Leila Haghighat is in charge of bachelor degree in Fouman faculty.




The tasks of this unit are:

  1. Postgraduate studies at Fouman faculty of engineering.
  2. Planning courses and courses to be offered in each semester for the master's degree
  3. Selection of units, removal and addition, evaluation, etc. related to master's students
  4. Internship for undergraduate students
  5. Mathematical dissertation defense
  6. Master's Degree Settlement and Graduation
  7. Research Affairs of Fouman faculty
  8. Head of the Industry Relations Office of Fouman faculty
  9. Matters related to the statistics of research reports of faculty members
  10. Correspondence regarding participation in internal and external student conferences
  11. Correspondence regarding Grant's faculty members
  12. Correspondence with students applying for the use of the National Elite Foundation facilities
  13. Reports on applied research projects of faculty members
  14. Collecting and updating statistics related to educational and research laboratories
  15. Affairs related to scientific visits of students and faculty members from scientific and industrial centers

Ms. Fatemeh Faridkhah is in charge of master's degree of Fouman faculty.


Research Affairs


Research is one of the most basic needs for achieving the comprehensive development of a country, and the power and independence of any country is based on research and production of science. Therefore, Fouman faculty of engineering attaches great importance to the subject of research, and the subject of research has a special place in the decisions of the faculty. Among the research activities of the faculty are:

  1. Holding scientific-educational workshops with the aim of encouraging students to do research, especially in the field of modern sciences.
  2. Holding joint meetings with the province's industries to deepen industry-university relations.
  3. Execution of research projects, presentation of articles by faculty members.
  4. Opening of Tehran University of Science and Technology Park office at Fouman Technical College.
  5. Holding monthly scientific lectures by inviting prominent professors of industry and academia.
  6. Establishment of a consonant office (joint cooperation between industry and university) in the faculty location for more communication with the province's industries with the cooperation of Guilan Province Industrial Managers Association.

Mr Hadi Jahangiri is the research expert of bachelor and master's degree in Fouman faculty.