Adjunct Professors - ent- دانشکده کار آفرینی
Adjunct Professors
Alvani S. Mehdi Rank: Professor Education: Governmental Management, Ph.D., Southern California University, USA Email: | |
Andersson Thomas Martin Rank: Professor Education: International Economics and Industrial Organization, Jönköping International Business School, Jönköping University, Sweden Position: President of the Board for the International Organization for Knowledge Economy and Enterprise Development (IKED), and Vice-President of the International Network for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (INSME) and serves on the International Advisory Committee of the Competitiveness Institute and on the International Advisory Board of the World Knowledge Forum Email: | |
Asghari Mohamad Reza Rank: Professor (Prof. Dr. rer. Pol. ) and Head of Entrepreneurship Hub Education: Ph.D. in the Field of Growth & Innovation Economics with References in Iranaian Economy, Technische Universitat Braunschweig, Germany Position: Head of Entrepreneurship Hub, Technische Universitat Braunschweig, Germany Email: | |
Azadi, Hosein Rank: Senior Researcher Education: IT, Ph.D. Position: Staff, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography Email: | |
Bazargan Harandi Abbas Rank: Professor Education: Educational Research, Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, USA Email: | |
Dato' Dr. Mohamed razali Bin Mohamed Yusoff Rank: Honorary Professor Education: Honorary Doctor of Laws, University of Nottingham, UK Email: | |
Formica Piero Rank: Professor, Senior Research Fellow, Innovation Value Institute, Maynooth University Education: International Economics, Johns Hopkins Advanced School - Bologna Centre Position: -Professor of Economics focus on Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the Jonkoping International Business School, Sweden -Founder of International Entrepreneurship Academy of the international Entrepreneurship Academy at the Jonkoping University, Sweden -Scientific Director of the Higher Education Programs at COFIMP, Italy Awards: Winner of the Innovation Luminary Award 2017 Email: | |
Ghorbani Mehdi Rank: Associate Professor Education: Management and Natural Resources, University of Tehran Email: | |
Hashi Iraj Rank: Professor Education: Economics Sciences, Ph.D., University of Keele, England Email: | |
KIRBY David Anthony Rank: Professor Education: Social Science, Ph.D., Holder of The Queen's Award for Enterprise Promotion, University of Durham And Co- Founder at Harmonious Entrepreneurship Society, England, UK, And Honorary Professor Almaty University, Kazakhstan, Former Vice President (Enterprise and Community Service) The British University in Egypt Email: | |
Masoumi Naser Rank: Professor Education: Electronic, Ph.D., University of Waterloo, Canada Email: | |
Motevasseli Mahmoud Rank: Professor Education: Economics Sciences, Ph.D., Oklahoma University, USA Email: | |
Pourrezaei Kambiz Rank: Professor, School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems, Drexel University, USA Education: Electronic Engineering, Ph.D., Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. , Troy New York, USA Email: | |
Rafinejad Dariush Rank: Consulting Associate Professor Education: Thermal Sciences in Mechanical Engineering, University of California, USA And Post-Doctoral Research, Imperial College in London, England And Professional Education: Executive Engineering Management, Stanford University Email: | |
Reynolds Paul Davidson Rank: Professor Education: Sociology, Ph.D., Stanford University, California, USA Awards: Honorary Professor in Entrepreneurship, Aston Business School, Birmingham, UK Email: | |
Rezaeian Ali Rank: Professor Education: Technical Management, Ph.D., International University, USA Email: | |
Schott Thomas Nationality: Denmark Rank: Professor Education: Statistical and Social Affairs, Ph.D., Columbia University , Organizational Research, Postdoctoral, Yale University, USA Position: Department of Entrepreneurship and Relationship Management, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark Email: | |
Sharifi Hosein Rank: Professor Education: Manufacturing Engineering and Industrial Management and Postgraduate Certificate (PGCert) in Teaching and Learning Position: University of Liverpool Management School Awards: Highly Commended Paper Award by Emerald Publ Publication for one of papers published in the IJOPM And Scholarship by Iranian Ministry of Science and Higher Education towards a Ph.D. in UK Email: | |
Soofi Siavash Abdollah Rank: Professor Education: Economics, Ph.D., University of California, Riverside Position: Professor of Economics, School of Business, University of Wisconsin-Platteville, USA Email: | |
Tajeddini Kayhan Rank: Professor Education: Industrial Marketing, Ph.D., Bradford university, England Position: Professor of Strategic Management and International Business, Sheffield Hallam University, UK - Full Professor, Institute for International Strategy, Tokyo International University, Japan Email: | |
Wynarczyk Pooran Rank: Professor Education: Ph.D., Newcastle University, England Position: Founder/Director, Small Enterprise Research Unit (SERU), Personal Chair of Small Enterprise Research, New Castle University Business School Email: | |
Zayyari Keramatollah Rank: Professor Education: Geography and City Planning, Ph.D., Tarbiat Modares University, Iran Email: | |
Zehtabian Gholam Reza Rank: Professor Education: Water, Soil, Plants, Ph.D. , University of Toulouse, France Email: | |