Engineering Geology, Tectonics and Hydrogeology - دانشکده زمین شناسی
Engineering Geology, Tectonics and Hydrogeology
The department includes three majors:
- Engineering geology,
- Tectonics and structural geology
- Groundwater hydrology.
Engineering geology is the application of the geological sciences to engineering study for the purpose of assuring that the geological factors regarding the location, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of engineering works are recognized and accounted for. According to the International Association of Engineering Geology (IAEG), ‶Engineering Geology is the science devoted to the investigation, study, and solution of the engineering and environmental problems which may arise as the result of the interaction between geology and the works and activities of man as well as to the prediction and development of measures for prevention or remediation of geological hazards.″
Hydrogeology is defined as the science of the occurrence, distribution, movement and chemistry of groundwater. It deals with the movement of water through the subsurface geologic environment and its chemical, physical and biological interactions with the soil and rocks. As Hydrogeology is a study of all the aspects of groundwater, it applies physical, chemical, mathematical and engineering approaches in the analysis. The main concerns in Hydrogeology include sustainable water supply, groundwater contamination, water quality, environmental safety, execution of engineering projects, food and energy production and handling with climate change.
In the domain of tectonics, structures, landforms, and processes associated with the deformation of the Earth's crust are investigated. Active tectonics refers to those tectonic processes that produce deformation of the Earth's crust on a time scale significant to human society over the past hundreds of thousands of years.
Studying one of the Engineering geology, Hydrogeology or Tectonics domains in our department will provide you with excellent job opportunities as a result of high-quality academic training, as well as the development of strong skills in terms of both critical and independent thought and teamwork. Most of our graduates join consulting engineering and construction companies, while many of them go on to PhD studies.
Our department, while offering master's degree courses in all three majors, regularly accepts doctoral students in the field of engineering geology.