History - دانشکده الهیات و معارف اسلامی ftis
معرفی دانشکده
22 12 2018 07:14
کد خبر : 9788474
تعداد بازدید : 217
The Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies
The Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies was established in 1935 and was initially located in Sepahsālār College, presently known as Mutahhari University. It was offering three programs including Arabic literature, theoretical studies (Ulūm-i-Ma'qūl) and traditional studies (Ulūm-i-Manqūl). The faculty was closed after 5 years in 1940. In 1943, the faculty moved to the campus of the Iranian Academy, where it offered two programs in theoretical and traditional studies. Shortly after that, the faculty offered two more programs, i.e., Arabic language and literature as well as Islamic culture. Besides, it also offered PhD programs in theoretical and traditional studies. Formerly known as the "faculty of theoretical and traditional studies", the faculty's name was changed into the "faculty of theology and Islamic studies" in 1965.
There has been a number of eminent scholars who are graduated from or taught in the faculty. Some of the most famous ones include: